It's the ideal time to book site surveys and planning workwhilst the majority of students are still learning from home -and with 10% off our protective products for schools,now's your chance to get quality wall & door panelling atreduced prices.
Our products greatly extend the lifecycle of your interiordesign, shielding from everyday wear and tear coming fromstudent traffic and ensuring you aren't faced with frequentredecoration costs.
Our wall & door panelling is designed to be easy-to-clean andis inherently hygienic, discouraging the growth of bacteria andmould.
10% off for Schools
Our range is currently 10% off for schools for a limited timeonly, making now the ideal time to install Yeoman Shield wall& door protection in your school building.
Book Now
Book now to get your site surveys and planning visitscompleted before students return to school - meaninginstallation will be primed to go ahead during the Spring orSummer breaks.
Discover our range today