A VOLUMETRIC classroom extension supplied by modular building specialist MTX Contracts is providing essential extra space and facilities for a primary school in Salford that offers specialist education for children with complex or challenging needs.
A total of 20 volumetric units were delivered and installed on site over just four days, spread across two separate weekends, to create an extra 484 sqm of accommodation at the school.
In May 2020, Salford City Council awarded MTX the £1.8m contract to create the extension for the Springwood Primary School in Irlam to expand provision of the specialist education facilities and accommodate more children. The 29 week contract was completed and the new facilities handed over in December 2020.
MTX assembled the design team MHA Architects, mechanical & electrical engineers QED and structural engineers MDA Wirral, and worked closely with the client to develop a single storey solution providing a further five classrooms, two quiet rooms, soft play area, group room, offices and toilets.
MTX employs modern methods of construction (MMC) to bring together development, design, construction and funding expertise for fast-track education, healthcare and other public sector building projects throughout the UK. The company can deliver a range of educational solutions, from a temporary classroom through to specialist education facilities
The scheme was designed to integrate with the existing school environment, incorporating calming blue colours internally and a striking sapphire blue external finish incorporating non-combustible Isoclad Firestop panels.
Springwood Primary School at Irlam serves the whole of the City of Salford providing specialist education for pupils from age 2 in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. The new accommodation was delivered and installed within a live environment and during the coronavirus pandemic so the safety and welfare of pupils and staff was of paramount importance with strict COVID safety rules. MTX ensured there was no contact between the students and the installation team and the use of mobile phones was restricted on site during working hours.
Traffic management was another key area to safeguard pupils and staff. Delivery of the volumetric units and craneage works was carried out when the school was closed to maintain optimum health and safety standards. Vehicle movements and deliveries were restricted during the arrival and departure of pupils and the school minibus, and the site team was restricted to the construction area.